It’s been a long long time since I have last posted an update – and boy oh boy did a lot of things happen!!
Emma is such a big girl it is amazing. I can’t believe how much of a person she is. Emma is a talking machine – she is saying more and more words everyday and when we ask her to use her words and she does. She climbs on everything and is a first class daredevil – not afraid of anything. She loves hanging and swinging on the monkey bars at the playground. She is the only one her age that does that and she absolutely loves it. It is really cool to see – but the little voice inside of me wonders if it is good for her arms...
In August, we went to LA and SD. Emma had a wonderful time in LA with Gracie – her new best friend. She learned how to say Gracie’s name really well and command her to “come.” It is really cute to watch her call Gracie and then with all her might yell come. She does it with such fervor that it will make anyone laugh! A huge milestone happened when we were there – Emma went poo poo in the potty. We were giving her a bath and she crouched down in position and we asked her if she needed to poo. When she said she did we lifted her up and put her on the potty. Low and behold, she pooed in the potty. It was amazing!! We cheered and cheered and she was so proud of herself. We have continued to encourage her to use the potty when we are home and she seems to be getting the hang of it. It really is incredible to see her potty train herself though. She will tell us that she has to go poo poo and then say potty and she will go. Sometimes she just toots and we tell her that she doesn’t need to go to the potty to do that but she is learning. And then just this past week she started to go pee pee in the potty. She is doing this potty training thing reversed but how many kids really potty train themselves.
She was a flower girl in Meredith’s wedding and was a perfect angel that day! Emma looked so beautiful in her flower girl dress! She walked down the aisle with no problem at all and even tried to walk Meredith down the aisle!