Grandma picked us up from the airport, and we went home for lunch. Emma had a lot of visitors - her Great Grandparents
On Tuesday we went down to Long Beach to visit her Great Nana. It really was so great and cool that she was able to meet her Great Grandparents. It is nice to see all the generations come together. We then headed back to LA and she had some more visitors in the evening - my friends came over to meet her - Penni, Soleiman, Sam, Ashley and David.
On Wednesday we went to my office in LA and she met many of my co-workers. Wednesday night her Grandma threw her a big party so all her friends could meet the little girl. It was a beautiful party and we all enjoyed it. On Thursday my boss Alison came over to meet her and then Kirin came over for lunch. Thursday evening we went over to her Great Grandparents house and she met Marina too.
On Friday her Aunt Deb took her for most of the day while I got some "me" time. They went for a walk and both Emma and Deb enjoyed their time together. Friday night the family came over for dinner and everyone said their goodbyes. On Saturday we flew home. This time Emma fell asleep before takeoff and 10/15 mins into the flight she woke up and screamed the highest pitch scream I have ever heard from her! It was so sad but it only lasted about a minute. I was able to calm her down and I was very thankful for that. She then woke up a couple mins later and screamed but not as loud. I took her out of her car seat and held her. She fell right asleep and I held her for the rest of the flight. Both of us were happy when we got home because we missed Daddy very much!
How wonderful that the trip went so well! She is so adorable. We can hardly wait to meet her!