Emma is doing really well. She went to the doctor last week and was 11 lbs and 22 3/4 inches long. She is thriving and is quite a happy baby. She is cooing more and more and we are able to carry on conversations with her.
She had a bunch of visitors last week - Eileen and her Auntie Deb. Her Auntie Deb was here all weekend. Now Emma is gearing up to have a guest tomorrow - Dara - and then when Dara leaves on Monday Emma and I will go to LA for the week while Jamey is in Monterey for his trial. When Auntie Deb was in town Emma went to Terra Mia and got her hand and foot prints imprinted in clay. It will be ready this weekend to paint and we will do that with Dara. Emma definitely misses her Auntie Deb - she had a really nice time with her and loved sleeping on her.
Speaking of sleep, Emma has changed her sleeping habits on us the last few days. Before she was a great little sleeper - she would sleep around 7.5 to 8 hours a night. Now she is waking up at 5:15am to feed and that means she is only doing around a 6 to 6.5 hour stint at a time. Granted she does go back to sleep but it is rough getting up at that time... we were used to getting more sleep. But still, we can't complain, at least we are getting at least 6 hours at a time.
We've been interviewing Nannies and going to Day Cares to see what we are going to do with Emma when I go back to work. One option we are looking into is doing a Nanny share with a woman named Laetitia. Her son is Trystan and he is two weeks older than Emma. They played with one another on the activity mat (see picture) and had a great time.
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