It’s been a long time since my last post. Work was quite busy with E3 approaching but now it’s over.
Things have been really good with the Wyman clan. Emma is developing wonderfully and is even ahead of the gang in some aspects. She loves to roll over – she can roll onto either side when placed on tummy time. The second we put her on her tummy she rolls over – we think it is really cute but we know that she hates tummy time so much that she does whatever she can to get off her tummy.
Emma is also sitting up on her own. She stays upright for a little bit but eventually she falls over. She is getting really good at it and loves to sit up. She tries to pull herself up when she is laying down – it is incredible to see how strong she is.
Emma hasn't really taken to eating solids. We have tried so many types of food - applesauce, carrots, sweet potatoes, sweet peas, and zucchini - and she really dislikes them all. She also doesn't like the taste of water. We don't understand that one since she drinks milk and most of it is water anyhow. We are continuing to try but it is a bit frustrating. We just guess that maybe she isn't ready for them.
Emma has started to go to sleep between 7:30/8 at night. It’s nice because Jamey and I get to spend some time together before we go to sleep. She is also getting more sleep a night which is good for her. She is waking up around 6/6:15.
We think Emma is teething but we aren’t sure. She might have been going through a growth spurt but we go to the doctor tomorrow and we will see what she has to say. She was fussy and didn’t want to eat so much for a few days. She is back to her normal self but she is putting everything and anything in her mouth. We have to watch her so closely because if she can grab it then it will go in her mouth.
Something Emma did the other week really surprised us. We never knew this was possible but she proved us wrong. She was sleeping with her legs in the air! She was sleeping and we passed by her room... when we looked in we saw that she had her legs in the air - we thought she was awake but quickly realized that she was fast asleep. We are fully aware that Emma likes playing with her feet but sleeping with them in the air - that never crossed our minds. We got a picture of it but it didn't come out so great. But you can be the judge.
A couple of weeks ago, my Uncle Jeff was visiting Danny and he came over to see us. It was nice to see him and Danny. Uncle Jeff gave her a toy and she loves it.
Work is going well for me. As I said, it has been really busy but hopefully things will calm down a bit now that E3 is over. (E3 is the biggest video game industry conference of the year) I had to be in LA all last week so Emma came with me. She was fantastic on the plane. She is a great travel companion. She stayed with my parents and it was really nice that they were able to spend quality time with her. Jamey came down for the first few days too to help with the transition since my parents just came back from Europe. Emma and my parents loved spending time with one another. Emma was an angel and I think she will be welcome back there anytime.
Emma also spent some quality time with her Great Grandma and Grandpa, as well as her Aunt Deb, Uncle Ryan and Emily. Everyone seemed to enjoy her and we can't wait to see everyone again soon.
Emma's hair is getting so long. It is growing like wild fire - I wish my hair grew like that. Also she has the longest eyelashes - they are so pretty. I am so jealous!!! She takes after her dad in that respect.
I am now working from home on Wednesdays which I am so happy about. I will get to spend some time with Emma during the day… lunch. I also won’t have to deal with the commute to the office so that will give me more time with her in the morning and in the evening.
We had a great weekend. Jamey is going to write a post about his first Father’s Day and what we did.
Stay tuned for that…
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