We were all prepared for the hot weather. Emma had her sunglasses and hat… and we put tons of sunscreen on Emma which was a first for her. Another first for her was she went swimming. Grandma and Grandpa bought her the cutest bathing suit ever and she looked darling in it. We gradually put her in the pool and she absolutely loved it! She was kicking and swinging her arms all around. She felt right at home. She also loved sucking on the cherries on her suit but we didn’t really let her do that for long. Emma also liked drinking ice cold water. She would drink it straight from the cup. It was pretty impressive considering that she didn’t like water before.
Saturday night we went to dinner and we got a babysitter. The babysitter was horrible! Absolutely horrible. She didn’t listen to a thing I was saying and poor little Emma bear was not a happy camper in her care. Just writing this boils my blood so I am not going to go into detail. All that needs to be said is that the woman is no longer with the babysitting service and we got our money back. It truly was a horrible experience but Emma was not hurt in any way. It was a shame that it happened but it’s over.
Emma sits up on her own very well now. She doesn’t like to sit still and is always moving around to grab toys, remotes, blankets anything that is near her – but she does try to grab stuff that’s far away. That, of course, sometimes led to her falling down. But good thing is she doesn’t seem to mind.
We are also feeding or at least trying to feed Emma solids twice a day – doctor’s orders. We can’t say that she likes food any better but she is eating a few spoonfuls. Lately we have been giving her avocado and she will eat some. It’s a new food so that is good. We will continue to feed her and hopefully she will get the motion down better and really start liking food.
Emma surprised us the other day… well me. She was taking a nap and I walked into her room to find her sleeping on her side. We’d never seen that before so it took us aback. Emma is also rolling all over her crib. We never know how we are going to find her. The last week or so she has almost rolled over from her back to her tummy and we knew it was only a matter of time. Well this evening, she was rolling around in her crib, fighting her nap time, and so Jamey and I were at her door watching her. She didn’t know we were there and all of a sudden we saw it… she rolled over from her back to her tummy and back on her back. It was incredible. She kept on doing it and we realized that she may have been doing this for some time now… but this was the first time we ever witnessed it. Emma is growing up so fast and doing new tricks all the time. It is amazing to watch her grow!
She also slept with a pillow to help round out her head but we took that out today. She is pillow-free because when Jamey went to get her this morning she was turned 90 degrees from how she sleeps and was playing with her pillow. To be safe, we decided to take it out.
The other huge development is Emma is getting her first tooth. We can see the white under her gum. It hasn’t cut through yet but she is taking it like a champ. She bites down on things really hard now and she is a bit uncomfortable. She rubs her face a lot and her cheeks get red. We put stuff on her gums every once in a while to numb the pain but she usually sucks our fingers before we make it to her gum – I have to say that it is kinda funny to see her face when her tongue is numb. She isn’t quite sure what is going on.
The great nanny search is going… we haven’t found anyone to replace Laetitia yet but we have until August 1 to find that special person. We know she is out there and it will just take time. It has been taking up a bunch of time so that is one of the reasons we haven’t posted lately. Hopefully we will find that special someone soon and we will be able to devote more time to the blog.
Oh, and we had a very special treat today… Aunt Deb was in town for the day so we got to hang out with her for a couple of hours. It was nice to see her and Emma enjoyed spending time with her.
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