Saturday, November 20, 2010

Emma’s 11 months

To think that Emma is 11 months now is just crazy. Where did the time go? It has been going by so fast and it makes me sad – happy but sad. I love watching her grow into this beautiful girl and she is so big now. She loves to explore everything and won’t sit still for a minute. She is crawling around everywhere and constantly pulling herself up on things. Her new favorite thing is to go pull herself up on the shelves where we keep her books in her room and pull each book down one by one. She does this everyday numerous times a day. There is no point put the books back on the shelf until it’s bedtime because she will crawl in her room and pull them down.

She also loves her baths. While this is nothing new what is new is she likes to take big girl baths. When we try to give her a bath in her bathtub she tries to escape. She also likes to watch us take showers. She will crawl to the edge of the shower, pull back the curtain and stand to watch us. She gets so much joy watching that she sometimes tires to climb in with us – dressed.

She did great when I was in NY a couple of weeks ago. There were a couple of mishaps but what am I going to do. She and Jamey were playing a game and Emma was feverishly crawling away and she quickly turned the corner only to whack her head against it. She cried and got a little bump but Jamey said he was able to calm her down fairly quickly. Well two days later Jamey was getting ready for work and he put Emma on the bed. He walked into the closet to get his pants and next thing he heard was a big thump, Emma started crying and she was on the floor. She crawled off the bed and hit her head pretty hard and scraped her nose. She got a pretty big bump on her head and the side of her nose got carpet burned. She healed pretty quickly but I was very upset that this happened. Jamey felt horrible that this happened especially since we had talked about not letting her be on the bed without us watching her. We knew something like this could happen and it obviously did. Jamey is a great father and I know that he would never do anything intentional to hurt her.

I got home from NY last Friday night and Emma was already asleep. So when she woke up I ran into her room. She was so excited to see me and I loved to see her to so happy to see me. I checked her out to see what damage had been done since I was gone and if anything new was going on with her I was surprised to find that her right front tooth broke through. This was a surprise to Jamey too! She never lets us look in her mouth – especially the top. We always said that she will have teeth and we will have no idea.

For the last few weeks Emma has become quite attached to her bunny lovey that Grandpa gave her on the day she came home from the hospital. It’s funny how all of a sudden it happened. And it is funny (and wonderful) that she became attached to that one because she has so many! She takes the rabbit everywhere she goes. She crawls with it, mops the floor with it when it gets caught under her leg, holds on to it when I nurse her in the morning and night and sleeps with it. We are constantly washing it because it gets so dirty. It is really cute and sweet to see how attached she is to it. What is interesting about this is she holds it in her left hand. I wonder if it means she is left handed… time will tell.

She also loves her Tulane Monkey that Uncle Ryan gave her. She gives lots of kisses to Tulane Monkey and we even have a song for the monkey. We typically hang it on her changing table and give it to her to distract her since she is so squirmy when we change her diaper. One morning she pulled the monkey into her crib and was playing with it. It was pretty funny.

Emma is still enjoying her swim class. While the YMCA isn’t as nice as Le Petite Baleen the time is much better than before. The class is advanced for her because she is the youngest by at least a year. Most of the kids understand commands and Emma doesn’t. But the real beginners class is too entry level for Emma. The babies in that class are not used to the water and during part of the lesson the teacher has the parents pour water over the baby’s head. Emma already doesn’t mind that so that class isn’t right for her either. We figure it the reason we have her in the class to begin with is to get her used to the water – if she learns something than great – if not that’s OK too.

The last couple of days I have just been watching Emma and staring at her in awe. To see how much she is turning into a big girl is amazing. She really is a little human being who knows what she wants and what she doesn’t. It is awesome to watch her crawl to her toy box and pick the toy she wants to play with. Her personality is coming through and I can’t wait for her to talk and for us to have a conversation. Speaking of which, Emma is talking a lot! She is constantly talking although we have no idea what she is saying but it is obvious she is trying to say something. She is also sticking her tongue out and blowing raspberries. Every day is an adventure with her. And every day I love more and more. I get sad when I think about how fast she is growing and how I want time to slow down. She is my little baby girl but she isn’t a such a baby anymore. She is almost ONE!! Just writing this makes me get tears in my eyes – I am so proud of her and I love her so much it hurts – but in a good way.

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