Emma's vocabulary continues to grow almost every day! It's like every other day or so she says a new word. The other day she looked at a picture of herself and said baby. It was awesome. She also says agua for water, agel for bagel, Alex but it doesn't quite come out like that and the same goes for Audrey. Alex owns the corner store and gives her a bagel everyday. She walks right into the store, points at the bagels and then he gives her one. It is really funny.
She also mimickes what ever we do. For instance, I will stick out my tongue and then she will. I will then make a clicking sound and she follows suit. Then I will smile and she does too. It really is so amazing to see her grow up and really become a person.
Emma is so much fun to be with. She is still such a happy little girl and laughs all the time. She will laugh at everything and will even laugh to get your attention. She runs around everywhere and has a mind of her own. It is really cute to see her push around a walker, a car, whatever because she is so determined and knows where she wants to go. To see her make all these calculated turns is truly amazing. I mean she is thinking about where she wants to go and then goes.
Emma still loves to read. She reads tons and tons of books. She will get a book off her shelf and then sit on her step stool. That is her favorite place to read nowadays.
We continue to revel in how smart our precious little girl is. She knows so much and understands everything. She can take off her shoes and socks when we ask her to, when it comes time to wash her hands - she will lead us to the bathroom and start pulling up her sleeves, and we will give her garbage to throw away and she knows how to. But that's only the tipping point.
Lately, Emma has been kinda clingy. While she is still so independent she likes to hold our hands and take us to places. It is really sweet when she does this. It is like she is leading us to something she wants to show us or do. Over the weekend she would take my hand to stroll down the street. I have to admit I absolutely LOVE this! I don't think she is experiencing separation anxiety but I think that she wants to make sure that while she is exploring things that we are with her.
She also decided that she was going to climb on top of her friend Genevieve and ride her like a pony. I don't know where Emma learned this but it is really funny. Genevieve kept saying no Emma but Emma didn't listen and kept bouncing up and down.
The last few weeks have been very busy for the Wyman household. We've had lots of visitors - Jamey's friend Mike Reeder was in town for an afternoon, our friend Kristen Breckinridge was here for a few hours, and Aunt Meredith came this past weekend.
On Saturday when Meredith was here, Meredith and Jamey and Emma went to the farmer's market. Meredith and Emma hung out at the music tent and made friends with some other little ones. Later we all went to the park, where Meredith got a taste of how good Emma is at running all over the place. Then Meredith's friend Izzy came over and Emma put on show, talking, running, and making everyone laugh. That just about tired everybody out. Meredith was also a good trooper because volunteered to sleep in Emma's room. On both mornings, Emma woke up at 5:30 am.
While Meredith was here, Emma found a hilarious new place for her to sit - Jamey's head. Jamey was laying down on the floor in the living room and I was laying down on the couch. She brought a book over to me to read and decided to sit down on Jamey's head. Meredith got some great pictures of it.
Needless to say, Emma had lots of visitors, and it's been tons of fun to see everyone!
On Sunday, Emma also had a play date with her very good friend Audrey, and it was SOOO cute to see them together. They hugged and kissed one another and followed each other everywhere. You can tell they play together all the time.
Emma still loves to dance. She does her happy dance but she has added on to it. Before she just moved the top of her body. Now she moves her entire body - head to toe. It is really a great dance! We have yet to capture it on video but we are trying our best.
Emma also likes to open and close doors. Typically this isn't a problem but when we aren't in the room with her and she shuts the door this can be problematic. There hasn't been an issue with this but we are quick to open the door so she isn't alone.
We love spending time with our little girl. She is growing up so fast and I love spending every minute with her. We really are so lucky that she is so good and happy!
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