Where has the time gone? Little Emma isn’t so little anymore! She is an amazing little girl who loves to explore new things, watch people and observe her surroundings. She runs all over the place and loves to climb up things. She talks and talks and learns new words all the time. It is amazing how much her vocabulary has grown over the past month. Experts say that bi-lingual children will sometimes be delayed in speaking and when the light switch goes on it is non-stop talking. Well, Emma has always been a talker but all of sudden she is speaking tons of words. Jamey and I decided to write down a list of her words to mark her 18-month old birthday. We may have missed some but here are the ones we remember in no particular order:
Bye bye
This way
Dado (this is an Emma word – she uses it to say give me this or I want that)
Poo poo
Ruff ruff (yes a sound but she will also stand in front of a house and bark waiting for the dog to come out)
Patos (as in zapatos, shoes in Spanish)
Yolo (yogurt, her friend at the park says yolo for yogurt and Emma copies her)
Emma is also getting new teeth. While she has her bottom two front teeth the ones on the sides haven’t come in yet… until now… well sorta. On the right side of her mouth she is not only getting the tooth next to the front one but she is getting her bottom eye tooth too. So it’s a double whammy. And then today I decided to see the progress oh her two new bottom teeth and saw that they really broke through. Since Emma was being so good I decided to explore the rest of her mouth. Guess what I found… yup – more teeth. Both her top eye teeth are coming in. So my new nickname for her is going to be Emma the tooth lady. As always, Emma has been a real trooper with her teeth. I mean, seriously, I didn’t even know she had new ones. She hasn’t been irritable or running a fever… if anything maybe I can blame her teeth for her incessant 5:45 am wake-up calls.
You read that right – she has been waking up way too early the past couple of weeks.!! We don’t get her until after 6 am but it has been hard waking up so early. She will call out (my nice way of saying screaming, crying or just repeating words like a broken record) and say, Mama, Dada, No, Agua, Pa-Poo (her way of saying she went poo poo). I should point out that when we do finally get her and we check her diaper she doesn’t have a poo nor does she want water. She has already learned trigger words in which Jamey and I will jump up and get her. But little does she know that we are on to her and we don’t listen to her.
A huge achievement/milestone for Emma is she finally has hair!! It is growing really fast and it is coming in curly. I guess we all should have known since she is a mini-me and I have curly hair. Her hair is really light – a light brownish blond. It is a really pretty color and my mom said it looks like the color I had when I was little. We will see if her curls turn into tight ringlets like mine were. It will be nice when her hair gets long and we can start doing things with it.
Emma’s likes to take walks around the neighborhood after she finishes dinner and before she takes a bath. She loves to say hi to everyone especially the dogs. She gets upset when she doesn't see any dogs, but we do live in Noe Valley where dogs show up all the time. People on the street tell us that she is the friendliest girl ever and that everyone loves her. I mean how could you not… she is so cute and sweet and loves seeing people. It is fun to watch people gravitate towards her.
Emma continues to be a kissing machine. It is so cute and sweet that she gives kisses so freely but at some point I am going to get concerned. She blows kisses to almost anyone and if we ask her to kiss someone she almost always does. She is the best kisser and makes such a good kissing sound that Cousin Danny even asked if that was really her or wondered if we just made the sound. Emma doesn’t have stranger anxiety still which is great. It is nice that she will go to anyone, but we have to be careful because she really will go to anyone.
Emma has gotten better with allowing us to change her diaper but the distractions continue. Her new interest is floss – she loves to floss her teeth! – and so we give her the floss and she will floss her teeth while we change her diaper. We are going through floss like it is going out of style but hey, if it keeps her occupied and allows us to change her diaper who are we to complain. And she has the best looking teeth at the playground!
We had a great Father’s Day yesterday and Jamey is tasked to blog about that.
That’s all for now. Enjoy the pictures!
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