Hannah is doing really well. She has discovered her hands and sucks on them all the time. She is also cooing a lot and it is fun to carry on a conversation on with her. She is also squealing/swaking like a crow - we sometimes think there is a bird in our house. Her sounds are really wonderful though.
Jamey weighed her this morning and she was a little over 13 lbs. We have her 4-month doctors appointment in a few weeks so it will be fun to see how big she is. I put all her 0-3 month clothes away a couple weeks before she was officially 3 months old - she got so big so fast and outgrew them!
She's been sleeping pretty well overall. Last week she slept through the night three times. She goes to bed around 7:30 and then woke up at 5:15. We can't complain. She doesn't do that all the time but the last few days she is doing 9 to 9.5 hour stretches. Naps can sometimes be challenging but nothing like Emma. She usually will take one long nap - anywhere from 2-3 hours and then her other naps are about an hour or so. Sometimes she will only sleep 30 minutes on the dot but the reality is she still is a better napper than Emma.
Hannah is laughing now and it is really cute to hear her little laugh. Her mouth gets so big and she is just so happy. Today for the first time she rolled onto her side when she was laying on her playmat. It was very cool to see her do that. She also has been playing with some toys now - grasping them and holding them for a while.
Emma is continuing to amaze me. She got really sick with a bad cold or sinus infection and after 14 days of not getting better she was put on antibiotic. She didn't like it at all and it was quite difficult to get her to take it. She needed to take 7 ml twice a day and it was a miracle to get her to take it at all. We resorted to bribing her - tried to put it in apple juice, ice cream, apple sauce, peanut butter and nothing worked. She was too smart for it and new we were trying to hide it in those things. Sometimes she would take it other times she wouldn't. We had to force it down her which usually didn't work and it was really sad when we had to do that. Then one day she decided that it was OK to take it like a shot - literally we put it in a shot glass and she drank it. We gave her ice cream after each time she did but she did take it. What was hilarious was that when we were trying to give her medicine she would say no thank you, no thank you. It was really funny to hear her be so polite in this situation. Of course she never won this fight but at least we've raised a polite little girl.
She is being a bit difficult again with drinking her milk - we didn't give it to her when she was sick but we started to give it to her again. We have to put some chocolate in it to get her to drink it but that is OK. We only give her milk in the morning in hopes of her waking up dry one of these mornings. That still hasn't happened but one day it will - hopefully sooner than later.
What is awesome is that things finally clicked with her bunny clock. She will wait to call us in the morning until her bunny is walking which is amazing. She will stay in her bed if she wakes up when her bunny is still sleeping and that is helping us out a ton. It was weird because just one day she finally got it. We've been moving the time back in 5 minute increments and now her bunny starts walking at 6:20.
Another great thing is that she is finally wanting me to be around her more. She is asking for me to come get her in the morning, go to the park with her in the afternoon and just wanting to be with me. I am so happy about this I can't tell you!!
Emma also loves to crack jokes, sing and make up songs. It is so wonderful to hear her sing songs and it is funny when she tries to make us laugh or herself laugh. Her vocabulary is continuing to explode - she used the word except the other day which is very advanced. She's only said it once but still. There is one phrase she is saying and we are ignoring it since it isn't good - she is saying damn it - thanks to Jamey. I kept telling him that he can't say that around her and then out of the blue she started to say it. She isn't using it in the right context and we are ignoring it hoping she will stop using it.
Emma is also getting much better with Hannah. Overall she is being nice to her and has accepted her as part of the family. I think she finally gets that Hannah is here to stay. This new attitude makes it a lot easier on us. Don't get me wrong though, she can still be very possessive and won't let Judith or Jamey hold her at times. Baby steps...
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