My first Mother’s Day . WOW. I still can’t believe that I am a mom. But I do have the most precious baby ever!! so it shouldn’t be that hard J It was a very special day and one that I will always remember. The day started out with our alarm clock (Emma) waking us up around 6:15am and Jamey immediately leaning over saying Happy Mother’s Day. It was a great way to start out the day – knowing that I get to celebrate this holiday now and I am a mom.
We went to brunch with our friends Stephanie, Michael and their baby Louden in San Carlos. Emma was on her best behavior and we had a delicious brunch. Afterward, we went for a walk in downtown San Carlos and we happened to stumble upon a fantastic kids book store. It was the best book store we have ever been in. Emma loved being in there. We read her all sorts of books – right now she tends to really like the books that make noise when she touches them. We controlled ourselves and only bought Emma two books but we could have bought a ton!
We headed home in the afternoon and took a walk in our neighborhood. We picked up dinner for the evening stopping at the butcher to get some Filet Mignon, went to the produce store to get ingredients for a salad and then went to a café picked up some dessert. Emma was talking the ENTIRE time we were on our walk. It was unbelievable – she didn’t stop for a minute. She was just babbling away and blowing bubbles as she spoke – she really is a talkative little girl. It was really cute.
I was so happy to be with Emma all day – it was so special. We played and played, and had many conversations. And she gave me a fantastic Mother’s Day present – she did the BEST tummy time ever!!! She was actually doing push-ups. It was so amazing to see her do that. She was happy and smiling and talking while she was on her tummy. She didn’t cry at all! Maybe it isn’t tummy torture after all! To say the least, it really made us happy to see her do that and for her to be so happy on her tummy. Now she just needs to learn how to roll over. Yes, we know, it will be a blessing and a curse when that happens.
I really couldn’t have asked for a better day! It made my day to be with Emma and Jamey. It was so special and I will always cherish it.
Another big development is that Emma is growing tons of hair! It is so soft and fuzzy right now. We love touching her head and rubbing our face against it because it is so soft. We are surprised how quickly it grew back. It looks like her hair will be light brown but who knows - it is lighter than what she was born with.
And I don't know if I have said this before, but Emma LOVES putting everything in her mouth! She loves to take our fingers and eat/suck on them. She also grabs at everything and then puts them in her mouth. It is really neat to watch her do that. But when I say she likes to put everything in her mouth, I mean it! Doesn't matter what it is - if she can get her hands on it she will try to eat it. It keeps us on our toes for sure.
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