Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One Year and almost a Week Old

We were all excited to go to Hawaii at the end of the week – Jamey and I couldn’t wait for a break and Monday night a wrench was thrown into the plan. Emma woke up at 2am screaming! We went into her room and she was HOT HOT HOT. We took her temperature and it was over 102 degrees. She was tugging at her ears, crying, cranky and generally uncomfortable. We were really upset to see her like this to say the least. I took her to the Doctor on Tuesday because we were leaving on Friday and I wanted her ears checked. The Doctor said she was fine besides the fact she had a fever. He said it was a virus and it had to run its course. We were on pins and needles for the rest of the week because we weren’t sure we were going to be able to go to Hawaii with her. We kept her in the house for a few days – I think she played more with her toys in those three days than ever before. She was definitely going stir crazy but her fever still didn’t break on Thursday so we weren’t going to take any chances. She had a really hard time sleeping at night – she would constantly wake up and cry. She was always so hot and her fever went up to 104 degrees. One night Jamey slept in her room with her and one night I slept with her. It was the only way we could get her to sleep... so we did the only thing that worked – put her on the bed beside us and slept for a bit.

Friday morning was D-Day. When she woke up her fever finally broke! We were thrilled. We headed to LA and when we got to the airport we noticed that a rash broke out on Emma’s belly. When I called my mom she said I bet she has Roseola. Roseola is a virus where kids 6 months to 2 years all of a sudden spike a high fever for a few days and once the fever breaks the child gets a rash for a couple of days. Well, as it turns out after some research, Emma definitely had Roseola. The rash went away after a couple of days and Emma was fine. Thank goodness!

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