Saturday, January 12, 2013

Miracles can happen more than once

The miracle of sleep strikes again (and again).  Hannah slept through the night Thursday night again!  We were beyond ecstatic!  And it was a really good thing too because the doctor said that we needed to get rid of the nighttime feed and we needed to do it now.  She said that we should let her scream her head off for up to an hour if she wakes up at night.  She said that it could take up to 7 nights but that it was very important for her to sleep through the night.  I couldn't imagine letting her cry for so long so I was so happy that she slept through the night all by herself.  And she did it again today!!!!!  Yeah for Hannah! (and for us)

Uncle Ryan comes to visit

Uncle Ryan came to visit last week and it was so much fun!  Emma loved spending time with him and vice versa.  It was the most time we've spent with Ryan one-on-one since Emma was born. I really loved having him here and seeing Emma in her element. We went to a birthday party for one of Emma's friends - Ryan was shell-shocked. After both girls went to sleep the first day he was here we went to dinner and Ryan was  exhausted - not only from being jet-lagged but also from how much energy it takes to take care of two kids.  He couldn't believe how you don't have any down time.  I told him that everyday is like groundhog's day - same thing over and over.  I think we definitely deterred him from having kids for a while - sorry Mom and Dad. 

But Ryan was great at playing with Emma.  He would make her hysterically laugh and she really liked running around with him.  It was really nice to see them be together and they had some good bonding time. Ryan came to her school and when I went to pick her up that afternoon she asked where Uncle Ryan was.  When I reminded her that he went back home to New York she said I want to go see him. She missed him already. 

Emma's three year-old doctor's appointment

We were a bit late getting her to her 3 year old doctor's appointment (Jan. 10) but we made it! Emma is perfectly average in height and weight.  She is 37 inches tall and weighs 30.5 lbs. That puts her exactly at the 50th percentile.  The doctor said Emma looks great and is doing everything she should be at this age. 

Emma is still having a great time at school.  She loves being with her friends and playing.  Emma's teachers continue to say that she is very smart which is fabulous but she is having a bit of a hard time listening.  We are all working on getting her to be a better listener and giving her positive reinforcement. 

Emma is very into pretend playing right now which is very cute. She has quite the imagination! Sometimes we don't know if she is telling us a real story or a pretend story.  The other day for instance she said she went to the school doctor and Jamey really believed it.  But then when we were on our way to the doctor I was talking to her about the doctor and I asked her if she went to the doctor at school and she started laughing and said no that was the pretend doctor and now I am going to the real doctor.  It was very cute!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Miracle

Hannah slept through the night!!!! WOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  She went to bed at 7:26 and woke up at 5:55.  She did wake up twice during the night and slammed her feet down but she didn't cry and quickly went back to sleep.  Needless to say, it was AMAZING!!  We are very proud of our little girl.  Now if she only keeps it up!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hannah Biena

Hannah Biena is the nickname Emma has given to Hannah Banana.  It is very cute because she made it up all on her own.  Bienas isn't even a word!!

Hannah has changed so much in a week.  She is getting on a schedule where we can predict the times of her naps and that is a nice change.  She takes anywhere from 3-4 naps but the first one is around 8:30/8:45. She then takes another one around 11:45/12.  Depending on when she wakes up from that nap determines if she will take 3 or 4 naps.  Lately it's been 3 naps but you never know.  Her second nap is the long one of the day.  Typically, she will sleep anywhere from 2 to 3 hours.  The catch is it is in the stroller. We will have to get her off of that and sleep in her crib but we haven't tried to do that yet mainly because we are scared to.

She is a complete drool monster!  She is blowing raspberry's all the time which makes us laugh, she is sucking on her hands and just the other day she found her thumb! We are starting to put bibs on her because she is either spitting up (which she does too often in our opinion) or drooling.  I don't want her to be one of those babies that wears a bib all the time on top of her very cute clothing but everything is getting wet right now so it is easier to change her bib than her outfit.

The last two nights she has put herself to sleep at night which is great.  She may or may not fall asleep while I am nursing her but then she will wake up and start blowing raspberry's at me. I put her in her crib and she will go to sleep on her own.  This is completely different than Emma and we are loving it!  Hannah is also learning to go to sleep at nap time without us having to rock her to sleep. We let her cry/whine for 10 mins at most but she is usually asleep before we have to go in and help her calm down.

Another milestone is she is bringing toys to her mouth and is batting at them when she is on her play mat. Of course since she loves putting things in her mouth the toys she can grab on her play mat end up in her mouth.  She also likes to chew on Sophie the Giraffe. Hannah is great at tummy time and really doesn't mind it.  We can keep her on her tummy for a while.  I remember with Emma we used to call tummy time tummy torture but not with Hannah. She hasn't started to roll yet but that will come in time. We kinda like that she really isn't mobile because it means we can leave her places - but we know that she can roll at any minute so we are getting better and not leaving her unattended in a place where she can get hurt if she rolls.

She is very observant just like her sister. She loves to look around and look at people.  She doesn't like being covered up or facing walls when there are things for her to look at. 

She is such a sweet and good little baby.  She is pretty easy-going and predictable.  We are starting to see real differences between her and Emma which is so cute because it means she is growing up and getting bigger. 

Hannah is still sleeping in the pack-n-play in our room.  So far it is still fine but it will be nice to have our bedroom back.  The doctor thinks when she is 6 months old she can move into her and Emma's room but we will have to play that one by ear.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Scottsdale with the family

We had a great time with my parents in Scottsdale.  It was a hard trip with both girls navigating naps and all but it was really nice to be with my parents and be on vacation.  We kept the girls on west coast time (AZ is an hour ahead) which worked out quite well.  Judy and Ed met up with us one day and it was fabulous that they got to meet Hannah and see Emma.  It had been a while since we saw them and it was nice to be able to spend the day with them.  Emma really enjoyed them - and they got her one of her favorite gifts - a huge sticker book.  That kept her occupied during the trip - especially during meals.  We went to a train park with Judy and Ed and it was amazing. It is a public park with two fabulous playgrounds.  It also has a carousal that you have to pay for and actual trains that you can ride on.  It is one of the best parks we have ever been to.  Emma loves riding on trains and enjoyed going on the train.  The rest of the trip she was pretending to be the conductor and made us ride on her fictional train.  They had a special night light program going on during the holidays and so Grandma and Grandpa took Emma one evening to see the lights and ride the train.  There were tons of characters there which you can see from the pictures and then the train ride was fabulous.  Emma absolutely loved it!!!  She had a blast.  

We ate every meal out and overall the girls were good.  Hannah really did well to our surprise - she would sleep during part or all of the meal which really helped.  We remember when Emma was this age we couldn't go out to dinners because Emma would just meltdown.  With Hannah we can and that is such a nice change. 

In Scottsdale, bunnies are wild and Emma thought that was the greatest thing. She loved chasing after them but we wouldn't let her get too close. 

The weather wasn't quite as warm as we hoped for but it was still nicer than home. The pools were heated and so Emma was able to go swimming.  There was a water slide and all Emma wanted to do was go down it.  She was too small for it but I was able to convince the guard to let me go down it with her once.  It was a lot of fun! 

It was sad when the trip came to an end.  It was great bonding time for the girls with Grandma and Grandpa.  Emma enjoyed having their company (and attention) and it was great for them to get to know Hannah and spend quality time with her.