Saturday, January 12, 2013

Uncle Ryan comes to visit

Uncle Ryan came to visit last week and it was so much fun!  Emma loved spending time with him and vice versa.  It was the most time we've spent with Ryan one-on-one since Emma was born. I really loved having him here and seeing Emma in her element. We went to a birthday party for one of Emma's friends - Ryan was shell-shocked. After both girls went to sleep the first day he was here we went to dinner and Ryan was  exhausted - not only from being jet-lagged but also from how much energy it takes to take care of two kids.  He couldn't believe how you don't have any down time.  I told him that everyday is like groundhog's day - same thing over and over.  I think we definitely deterred him from having kids for a while - sorry Mom and Dad. 

But Ryan was great at playing with Emma.  He would make her hysterically laugh and she really liked running around with him.  It was really nice to see them be together and they had some good bonding time. Ryan came to her school and when I went to pick her up that afternoon she asked where Uncle Ryan was.  When I reminded her that he went back home to New York she said I want to go see him. She missed him already. 

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