Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hannah Biena

Hannah Biena is the nickname Emma has given to Hannah Banana.  It is very cute because she made it up all on her own.  Bienas isn't even a word!!

Hannah has changed so much in a week.  She is getting on a schedule where we can predict the times of her naps and that is a nice change.  She takes anywhere from 3-4 naps but the first one is around 8:30/8:45. She then takes another one around 11:45/12.  Depending on when she wakes up from that nap determines if she will take 3 or 4 naps.  Lately it's been 3 naps but you never know.  Her second nap is the long one of the day.  Typically, she will sleep anywhere from 2 to 3 hours.  The catch is it is in the stroller. We will have to get her off of that and sleep in her crib but we haven't tried to do that yet mainly because we are scared to.

She is a complete drool monster!  She is blowing raspberry's all the time which makes us laugh, she is sucking on her hands and just the other day she found her thumb! We are starting to put bibs on her because she is either spitting up (which she does too often in our opinion) or drooling.  I don't want her to be one of those babies that wears a bib all the time on top of her very cute clothing but everything is getting wet right now so it is easier to change her bib than her outfit.

The last two nights she has put herself to sleep at night which is great.  She may or may not fall asleep while I am nursing her but then she will wake up and start blowing raspberry's at me. I put her in her crib and she will go to sleep on her own.  This is completely different than Emma and we are loving it!  Hannah is also learning to go to sleep at nap time without us having to rock her to sleep. We let her cry/whine for 10 mins at most but she is usually asleep before we have to go in and help her calm down.

Another milestone is she is bringing toys to her mouth and is batting at them when she is on her play mat. Of course since she loves putting things in her mouth the toys she can grab on her play mat end up in her mouth.  She also likes to chew on Sophie the Giraffe. Hannah is great at tummy time and really doesn't mind it.  We can keep her on her tummy for a while.  I remember with Emma we used to call tummy time tummy torture but not with Hannah. She hasn't started to roll yet but that will come in time. We kinda like that she really isn't mobile because it means we can leave her places - but we know that she can roll at any minute so we are getting better and not leaving her unattended in a place where she can get hurt if she rolls.

She is very observant just like her sister. She loves to look around and look at people.  She doesn't like being covered up or facing walls when there are things for her to look at. 

She is such a sweet and good little baby.  She is pretty easy-going and predictable.  We are starting to see real differences between her and Emma which is so cute because it means she is growing up and getting bigger. 

Hannah is still sleeping in the pack-n-play in our room.  So far it is still fine but it will be nice to have our bedroom back.  The doctor thinks when she is 6 months old she can move into her and Emma's room but we will have to play that one by ear.

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