Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Update about Emma Part 2

Just wanted to add more pictures :) You'll see that Emma doesn't always like her hat and she takes it off all the time... whatca going to do??


Update about Emma

Emma is really growing and doing well!! Last Thursday she went to the doctor and she weighed 9 lbs 6 oz and she has grown an inch and a half. Her head has also grown but she does still have a small head. Jamey and I were THRILLED to say the least that her weight is what it is. We now let her go 6-7 hours between feeds at night. She has been going about 6 hours and last night she went 6.5 hours which was really nice for us. She is definitely our baby - she likes her sleep :)

Emma is smiling now which is really exciting and our hearts melt when she does. She is also cooing and making all these wonderful sounds. She is doing more tummy time now but she still doesn't love it. Her head is really strong and she lifts it up. She is really alert and awake more during the day so it is fun to play with her.

She met Shai last week for the first time and also had a visit from Jennifer Archer. She has made a couple of friends already - Louden and Spencer. Of course her friends are boys - she is already keeping us on our toes!!

She loves taking a nap on us - and we know it isn't always good for her to do that but we can't resist when she is all cuddled up on us.

Emma is going on her first trip to LA in Febuary and is really looking forward to meeting everyone.

We also love Skype so if you have it our name is JMEWyman. We love to chat!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

More pictures from Grandma's visit

Pictures from Grandma's visit

Emma's Grandma Marcia came to visit this week and here are some great pictures. Grandpa was here over the weekend but he had a bit of a cold so we don't have any pictures. Emma really loved having her Grandparents here and can't wait to see them again.

Thursday, January 7, 2010