Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Update on Hannah's sleeping

I know I am going to jinx it but for the last two nights she has woken up only once - both times at 3:50am.  This is quite encouraging because it means she must be getting better.  We go back to the doctor on Monday for an ear check and if she is all clear than we can sleep train her.  The thought of sleeping through the night is almost too good to be true.  We are so looking forward to this!!

Update: I jinxed this!  Hannah's sleep has totally regressed since I wrote this post!  She's getting up every 3 - 4 hours and it is killing us.  Jamey is taking her to the doctor today (Monday, Feb. 11) and will talk to doctor about what to do.

Hannah rolled over!!!

Yeah!!! Hannah rolled over Monday night.  It was so cool.  Jamey and I were both home to watch this huge milestone! She was so impressed with herself. She kept doing it over and over.  She rolls on to her left side to her tummy and then is stuck on her tummy.  She hasn't rolled right to left and she can't get roll back on to her back.  She almost did this on Sunday - she was practicing hard - but she finally did it on Monday and we are so happy that she did it for us when we were home.  Now we need to be careful when we leave her places!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I spoke too soon...

I went back to work on Jan. 14 and that's when Hannah decided to get sick.  Her sleeping through the night went out the door!  She's been waking up anywhere from 2-3 times a night and the only thing that calms her down is me nursing her.  She got a very bad cough and Jamey took her to the doctor on Tuesday (Jan. 15) and she said that her lungs were clear and we just needed to ride through this with her.

It's been really challenging with her being sick and waking up all the time - I am a ZOMBIE at work!  Who can blame me - I am lucky to get 2 hours of consecutive sleep!!

The second week back at work I had to go down to LA - Thursday night to Friday night.  I was really nervous to leave because no one has ever successfully put Hannah to bed but me.  Thank goodness she was a real trouper and was fine taking the bottle at night.  When I am around at night she has no interest in taking one so I was fearful she was going to cry herself to sleep.

Jamey and I were determined to sleep train this child when I returned from LA because we just couldn't keep getting up in the middle of the night.  Her cough was better but her sleep was worse.  I talked to the doctor to get some advice and when I told her that she still had her cough she said I needed to bring her in because a baby as young as she is can't have a cough for 2 weeks without getting checked again.  So I brought her in on Monday (Jan. 28) and found out that the poor little girl has ear infections in BOTH ears!!  We felt so bad that we didn't know.  She is on antibiotic now and hopefully she is getting better.  We have to go back after two weeks to get her ears checked again.  We really didn't know that she had ear infections because she was eating like a champ.  She was happy most of the time too - except she did start getting a little more fussy on the weekend and was making dinosaur sounds. So we were happy that we brought her in to be checked. The doctor said that we couldn't sleep train her until her ears cleared up and they better clear up soon!!! We are exhausted to the max and she is waking up earlier and earlier everyday.

Besides Hannah being sick she is doing really well.  She is growing like a weed and discovering new things everyday.  When I took her to the doctor I weighed her and she was about 15 1/2 lbs.  We had to take out the bassinet part of the pack n play. She loves to look around at everything and is easily distracted.  I used to be able to watch TV when I nursed her but I can't do that anymore because she stops, turns and tries to watch.  She has discovered her feet in the last week which is really cute.  She will play with feet and even suck on them.  She also likes to slam her feet down which can make very loud noises. When she does this we are reminded of Emma.

Last weekend, we gave Hannah oatmeal for the first time.  Her face on the first spoonful was priceless.  She didn't know what to think of it but she did eat it up.  We broke out the highchair and now she is eating her food in there.  I can't believe she is big enough to not only sit in her highchair but eat food already!! My little baby isn't such a baby anymore! The Banana has also been eating bananas as well as sweet potatoes.  She likes the food thus far!  She even will grunt saying she wants more.

Now on to Emma.  My little Emma bear.  She is having some behavior issues at school but we are trying to work through them.  She has a friend in her class names Willa and she has a love/hate relationship with her.  It is crazy - one minute they are hugging and laughing; the next Emma is trying to scratch her eyes out.  There is something about Willa that drives Emma crazy and I don't know what it is. We are working through all the behavior challenges with Emma and know that we will get through this with her.  

Emma has gotten better though with Hannah.  She can still be mean to her but she does really love her.  She is a really good helper with Hannah.  She loves to take a bath with her and help put water on her feet so she doesn't get cold.  She also likes to give her toys and loves to hold her.  It is sweet to see them together.

Emma loves her puzzles and match game still.  She is always doing them and likes it when we play the match game with her. She is also a huge singer.  She loves to sing songs and makes up her own songs all the time. She made up this one song called "Open the window on the freeway." This stemmed from her always asking me to open her window when we were about to go on the freeway when I picked her up from school.  It is a very cute song that she sings every day and has taught it to her friends.