Friday, October 15, 2010

Update on Emma

It has been too long since we posted last (all my fault) and we have a lot of Emma news to share. When I was supposed to write this post, Emma had just had her nine-month doctor appointment. Well, now, she is only 2 days shy of being 10-months old. At her nine-month appointment, she was 18 pounds and 28 inches. Doctor said she is doing really well, and although she is bit small for her age, she is a healthy happy, trusting little girl. (She did not even cry when she got her flu shot.)

Michele got out all of Emma’s new clothing recently only to discover that our smallish, little girl suffers from having enormous thighs. We could have never imagined that although Emma is only in the bottom 25% in height and weight, her new pants do not fit her oversized thighs. The only way I can describe her thighs in relation to her pants is to imagine yourself in stretch pants two-sizes too small. Her thighs have always had a Michelin-man thing going on. But with these new pants make it even worse. Good thing, Grandma Marcia was here last weekend to help rectify the pants problem. (More about Grandma Marcia's visit from Michele soon.)

Michele came down with Strep throat for the second time in six months. After nearly a week of sick-mommy, she recovered only to catch a cold, and suffered through another week of being sick. I was doing fine through all Michele’s sicknesses until Tuesday. I definitely got her cold. Now, it looks like Emma got her cold too.

While Michele was sick, Emma and I went to our third installment of swim lessons. Although the less than pleasant membership rep at the JCC said Emma was really late for her age for starting swim classes, she is doing great. She has learned to close her mouth and eyes before going under water. We are working on kicking and other swim lessons. As much as we love the swim lessons we are going to be switching places to the Stonestown YMCA. It is much more convenient and we think at a better time. That switch comes in November.

Emma-on-the-move. That is Michele’s newest description of Emma. In September she started a precursor to crawling by getting on all fours and rocking back and forth. That lasted all of two weeks because she is now an accomplished crawler. She gave Michele an early birthday present as she started to crawl on Oct. 1. Emma is unstoppable going where ever she wants whenever she wants. To get her better at crawling we would put some of her toys on the other side of the room and watch her use a combination of rolling, crawling, and reaching to get her desired toys. As she became a better crawler she would crawl herself over to her toy boxes, which sit on a cube about 24 inches high, and try to pull herself up. She hasn’t fully managed to pull herself up to the toy boxes but she is getting close.

She has managed two new tricks in the last two weeks. She has learned to sit herself up when she is lying down or crawling. It is so cute to watch because it takes a huge amount of space for her to swing her legs underneath her. She has gotten so good at it that half the time when we get her from her crib she is sitting up clapping her hands. (That too is really cute to watch.) The other new trick is under construction but it goes something like this: Emma can sort of pull herself up if the thing she is pulling on is close enough to the ground (ie: 16 inches or so, the cubes are too high). She earned the name: “Standing-Emma.” Michele said she pulled herself up yesterday on the ottoman but she hasn’t replicated it. Standing Emma is cool, but “Walking-Emma” is just around the corner. When we hold Emma’s arms or if she is leaning on something, she will take a few tortured steps to move. It is pretty incredible. Just a week ago, Standing Emma would not bend her knees at all – just stand there with locked knees and legs as straight as can be.

Emma has also had the arrival of two-top level teeth; not the incisors or the front two, but the two others. She has been eating more real food and has come to favor real food over baby food when she has the choice.

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