Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What's new with Emma?

Emma is growing so fast. We took her to the Doctor on Thursday for her 1 year check up and she weighed 20 pounds 7 ounces putting her in the 40% tile. She is 30 inches long which puts her in the 75% tile. She is a long-lean girl!!

She had to get three vaccinations this time – all separate shots. Jamey held her in his lap and I held her legs so she wouldn’t move. Well, let me tell you, Emma didn’t care about the shot at all. She didn’t cry or anything – she actually was watching what was going on!! She is an angel. I know everyone always says that to me but it is amazing what a good little girl she is.

People in the neighborhood also tell me how she is so happy and they love seeing her. They say that they see her everyday with Judith and she is always smiling and waving at them. A construction worker from across the street today told me that every morning he says hi to Emma and that she is so friendly. He also told me how wonderful Judith is and it is nice to hear. I think I will never stop loving hearing that from people. It makes me feel so good to know that Emma is happy and that Judith takes such great care of her!

Emma is continuing to work on her walking skills. She took four steps today with me and constantly wants to walk everywhere (assistance needed of course). I had one of my favorite moments last night with her – we were in the living room playing and it was time for her to get into her pj’s. So I said let’s go Emma and she grabbed my finger and we walked from the living room to her room. When I was in the hallway, I had my moment – there I was with my little girl, holding her hand and walking with her. It was very sweet and tender.

Emma now loves to blow kisses. It is the cutest thing! She will put her hand to her mouth and kiss it. She likes to do it when we say goodbye to one another. Another new thing is she rubs her hands together as if they are cold and she is trying to warm them. I don’t know where she picked that one up from but Jamey and I looked at each other over the weekend when she started to do that. We also started to brush Emma’s teeth. She has her own little toothbrush and toothpaste and she loves brushing her teeth. I love it because we finally get to see her teeth and I can inspect her mouth to see if any new ones are coming. I haven’t seen any lately but she is rubbing her mouth like crazy. While Emma has her own toothbrush I think she prefers our electric toothbrushes. I’m not sure if it is because they are ours or if it’s because they move. In any event, we can’t let her use ours as they are too strong and will make her gums bleed.

Finally an update on weaning. I am not breastfeeding Emma anymore. She has given up the boob albeit not volunteerarily. Most know that Emma rarely takes the bottle from me and never at night. And if I am home and Jamey tries to give it to her it doesn't work – she screams bloody murder until I rescue her or she falls asleep. So Jamey and I devised a plan and the doctor suggested we do this too. At night I come home from work, feed her dinner, give her bath/play with her and then put her in her pj's. I explain to her that I have to leave and that daddy is going to put her to bed and give her a bottle. I then put my jacket on, walk with her to the front door, give her a big kiss and hug, and say goodbye and see her later. (I have been doing different things during this time – visiting Chris and Carissa, running an errand or just stand outside). Emma then sees me leaving the house and so when Jamey gives her the bottle she knows I am not around and I can’t come rescue her. The first couple nights she refused the bottle outright and went to bed crying. (The doctor said that is OK as long as she makes up for the lack of milk with other dairy products during the day.) In morning, Jamey goes and gets her and I don't enter the picture until after she drinks her bottle. Thus far, she doesn’t have a problem drinking from the bottle in the morning. The last few nights, she has been drinking from the bottle which is fantastic and her bedtime routine is working for the most part. There are some kinks we want to work out but all in all it seems we have successful weaned her from the “boob of Ma-Ma.”

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